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I will still be posting on here from time to time, but at the moment most of my time is taken up with The Young Australian Skeptics and I will probably be posting most of my writing there if I write anything at all. Still, you can contact me here through the chat window on the right and you can still leave comments and be assured I will get back to you!

Love you all.


Young Aus Skeptics
The Young Australian Skeptics is now live. Let’s make this website work. Blog about it, comment on the posts on the website, hit the forums and create users and start writing for The Young Australian Skeptics!

Let’s do it!

Obama wins. Yay. That is all I have to say…oh and,

Yes we can!

Recently the speaker of the house of representatives in our humble country of Australia has called for public debate in relation to the lord’s prayer in Australian parliament. My thought on this is, good! We do need to start to separate church and state more in Australia as currently god is mentioned in our constitution and apparently in our taxation systems (I am going to look this up, but it was mentioned in a few articles. I would assume it is in reference to Church tax exemptions).

Here is the first couple of sentences in the Preamble of the Australian constitution:

Whereas the people of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, and Tasmania, humbly relying on the blessing of Almighty God, have agreed to blah blah blah blah Et caetera, et caetera.

Not only does this set a religious climate in the government and country at large, but it also alienates anyone who isn’t christian! Oh, and it obviously references the Queen, that decrepit old tradition that is based on the king/queen being appointed by GOD himself…anyway where was I? Oh yeah… I would have to say thank the flying fairy in the sky that someone in government is actually speaking out about this and not guiding us with a little nudge on the slippery slope towards a retarded “secular” government such as the USA’s today. I would like to think that a large amount of Australians hold secular values, whether or not they are religious or otherwise, and I am glad that we are starting to be represented. Let’s hope that this leads us to a truly secular nation that we can all be proud of.

Well it’s about that time again Carlos fans. The Skeptics of Carlos blog carnival has rolled into town once more for your skeptical entertainment.

Oh, by the way, recently I have been trying to analyze topics and issues from a “true-believer” start point. This is mainly because the other day a Mormon tried to convert me with his “techniques that he could try out on me” (or so his colleague whispered to him before they approached me). So I will be writing this carnival post from the view point of a true believer. *clears throat* Heh hem.

Have you ever gone to the doctors when you’re sick? I haven’t, prayer is all I need, but if I were to I wouldn’t be taking any advice from a doctor such as Karen Stollznow over at the skepbitch! She doesn’t even condone the use of popular “alternate” medicines such as homeopathy and chiropractic! Every time I get a cold I take homeopathic tablets and I’m better in 2-3 weeks, see it works! She must be nuts…and to talk to her mother that way? She must be an atheist. Oh and be very wary of the evil lesbian/sexually confused ghost, Klara that haunts Dr. Stollznow. We should probably perform an exorcism on that evil haunted house, she doesn’t believe it is haunted but I know it is! Armidale sounds like a dreadful place.

Next up is Naontiotami from Homologous Legs. He shows his obvious evil atheism and devil worship as he tries to pull the wool over our eyes about creationism in his article, Institute for Creation Research: Evolution: Real Science or Nonsense? Doesn’t he know that it is fact? And where does he get off slandering the good natured Christians at the ICR, they put a good twenty minutes into their research and he could at least give it the time of day and take it seriously.

Oh and there appears to be a new non-believer/infidel podcast doing the rounds. Gary Curtis and Tim van Gelder have decided to burden us with more sin as they delve into critical thought and logical fallacies. Again the foul atheists bow and scrape to their God of science and critical analysis. If you want to learn about debating why not find some of Kent Hovind’s debates, those are real eye openers plus I am pretty confident…No I am convinced that he would wipe the floor with these non-believers! Humbug indeed.

Andy (Dawkin’s and Randi’s lap dog) over at Thinking Is Real seems to think that us believers need saving. Well I have some “good news” for him, he is the one that needs to be saved. He seems to think we have a reason for why we are skeptical of something, but he is wrong, some things just make sense! For example, we are skeptical of evolution because it goes against Gods word right? Look around you! God made all of it, it’s so obvious! Where was I? Oh yeh, anyway, Andy is fighting for what he believes in (or is it what he doesn’t believe in? I can never tell with these atheists) so at least I can give him a small amount of credit.

Hm, the Podblack Cat? Is that even a real name? I don’t think so. And her tardiness would seem to indicate that she has not been touched by the Lord as she doesn’t care about other peoples time or feelings (:P)! But moving on from that. In her latest post she has written a short run down on skeptical films for people to watch and enjoy. I almost liked this article until she showed her obvious racist tendencies when she referred to the film Magicians, calling it a “black comedy”. Those damn non-believers always have to have a stab at someone!

Well, thanks so much for tuning in for another Skeptics of Carlos. Oh and if you are interested in a complete and utter heathen who is trying to indoctrinate the youth of Australia, you should read more of Skelliot’s blog. You can even submit your own articles to the web site he is building, The Young Australian Skeptics, which will be going live soon!

I won’t be posting for about another week lads and ladettes. The Young Australian Skeptics is coming along very well and I really want to knock it out soon.

This being said, I will be hosting the skeptics of carlos blog circle on the 11th so make sure you check back in then! By the way, this is my first time hosting any carnival, so if it sucks do not blame me, blame Podblack cat 🙂


Check out this article on Sarah Palin. Speculative, anecdotal and ridiculous but I wouldn’t put it past her saying something like this.

Huffington Post

“Palin said “she had seen pictures of human footprints inside the tracks,” recalled Munger”

Really? No…really? What pictures? Did she draw them with her crayons in grade 2? WHERE?! WHEN!? WHAT!? I’m hungry.

It’s now spring and for some reason my immune system finally decides to shit itself and tell viruses to invade my body and give me a cold. Lame.

I was coming home from a friend’s place the other day when I decided to drop into the pharmacy to get some cold and flu tablets to ease my symptoms. I generally frown upon these sort of tablets because they don’t really do anything to actually get rid of the cold, but today I thought I would give it a try so that I wasn’t sick for a whole month, like last time.

So I entered the pharmacy and headed for the front desk where I asked the sales assistant if she could help me with some cold tablets. She handed me a pack of tablets and I promptly told her I wanted to have a read of the packet before I purchased it. With cold and flu medicine I worry that the ingredients might be homeopathic. Some tablets are herbal but I am afraid that some companies tend to blur the lines between herbal and homeopathic. I’m not great with chemical names so I gave up pretty quickly and took the medicine to the counter.

“Erm, I was just wondering… Are these tablets homeopathic?”

I asked.

The woman looked at me and said,

“No, do you want those? We have them and I can get them for you.”

I explained to the woman that I was just checking if the tablets were homeopathic because I wanted actual REAL medicine and that I could “get water out of the tap” if I wanted to. She smiled and laughed (being the charismatic devil that I am) and declared that she agreed with me. I found this interesting because she was so quick to offer homeopathic woo woo in place of real science-based medicine even though she completely disagreed with it. Seems like the customer is always right. This made me wonder how many people actually use homeopathic and other alternative medicine(credited: Jovial and Jocular) quackery when they get colds. This was in no way a scientific study, but from this I could see how likely it is that a substantial amount of people must request homeopathic remedies during the winter season.

It wasn’t all doom and gloom though. The assistant explained to me that the homeopathic remedies are kept in a completely different section to the real medicine, so at least they aren’t mixing it in and misleading their customers completely. I was tempted to ask her more questions about the homeopathic and alternative medicine products they sold but I didn’t want to harass her. However, I did leave the shop feeling a whole lot better knowing I had put my brain to use before buying medicine!

Ah skepticism, will you ever do me wrong?


Every now and then you come across something that is so warped and confusing that your brain explodes, cucumbers eject from every orifice and you find yourself standing in a pile of your own filth naked, with only an umbrella and a long stick of taffy! You then have to rebuild your consciousness from the ground up which takes all day and leaves you with a sense of self loathing that is hard to shake. Today was one of those days when I found this:-

Welcome to brainfuckery. In the words of George Hrab’s Prof. Damian Handzy,

That’s totally fucked up

Hey everyone,

Just writing to say sorry for not writing lately. I have been working on The Young Australian Skeptics quite a bit and have had a few other engagements. As a result my allocated blog time has diminished. Fear not, I shall be back soon with some awesome article that will make you question your existance and maybe even lead you to believe you are riding on top of a giant space panda rocketing through the universe!

Or something.

edit: Stephanie is awesome